
Open until 8:00PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00AM - 9:00PM
  • Sunday11:00AM - 6:00PM


tykes tuesday

Can’t Miss Tykes Tuesday Events

Tykes Tuesday is coming to an end in the next few weeks. Don’t miss out on our great lineup of fun events kids will love. Brought to you by Margaritaville, Tykes Tuesday events will be held in the Canyon from 12pm-2pm ends on August 28.

Below is a list of the remaining Tykes Tuesday with a brief description of the activities:

  • August 14th: WonderWorks STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math) Day
  • August 21st: Syracuse University Day Rally with Otto
  • August 28th: The Apple Store’s Summer Tech Day

Additionally, a number of retailers, restaurants, and entertainment venues will be providing exclusive discounts for families who attend Tykes Tuesday.