
Open until 9:00PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00AM - 8:00PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00AM - 9:00PM
  • Sunday11:00AM - 6:00PM


Film at Destiny USA

Destiny USA welcomes crews of all shapes and sizes to film in and around the property. Our Marketing Team will work closely with you and the Syracuse Film Office on scouting, agreements, and on shooting days.

Let’s Get Reel!

Short film “Plainclothes” and Milania Giudice’s (Real Housewives of New Jersey) daughter Milania’s video “Can’t Wait to Grow Up” are just a couple of the projects that have chosen Destiny USA as a location for their productions.

Milania Giudice Video 2nd LevelCan’t Wait to Grow Up music video
Milania Giudiece Cant Wait to Grow Up Video 2018 CarouselCan’t Wait to Grow Up music video
Plainclothes film credit Babs RubensteinPlainclothes short film photo credit: Babs Rubenstein


Here are some visuals of locations to consider for your next production.


Need to feed the crew? With over 45 food vendors, we have several options to support your catering needs or meal breaks, whether you are on-site for a technical scout or working hard filming. Many of our restaurants will deliver to your location on site, upon request. Click on the DIRECTORY button below for options


“Filming at Destiny was a dream come true. I grew up in Syracuse in the 90s and the image of the carousel surrounded by floor to ceiling windows plays such an iconic part in my memory. I wrote Plainclothes during the pandemic with the intention of filming the opening scene at Destiny — it’s a beautifully versatile location and I enjoyed shooting there very much.”
~Carmen Emmi, Director

Frequently Asked Film Questions

Contact Us Today!

If you are interested in filming at Destiny USA, we ask that you complete the following form below and contact the Destiny USA Marketing Team at marketing@destinyusa.com or (315) 410-1729 for more information.

Film Form