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Epic Zero Latency Virtual Reality Arena to Open at Destiny USA

Published: 05/04/2023

Epic Zero Latency Virtual Reality Arena to Open at Destiny USA

— Prepare for Thrilling Adventures at Destiny USA with the Epic Zero Latency VR Arena & Kiss My Axe Experience 

2023 05 04 Zero Latency Hero 3pp PR copy 2

Syracuse, NY (May 4, 2023) — Destiny USA, New York State’s largest shopping, dining, and entertainment destination is excited to welcome guests to come out to experience adventures at Zero Latency, a groundbreaking multi-attraction, immersive experience center. Opening in May 2023, Zero Latency will be located on level 2 across from Eddie Bauer. At Zero Latency, guests can put on the most advanced VR headsets and be transported to mind-bending alternate realities. They are free to move and explore freely, comfortably, and naturally, completely untethered. The lack of wires and the size of the arena (2,000 SQ FT) deepen the immersive adventures.

“Destiny USA is the perfect home for our mind-blowing virtual reality arena and axe-throwing, as visitors flock here for unforgettable social experiences, in addition to shopping and dining,” said Najib Abou Ismail, CEO of Zero Latency VR-New York and Kiss My Axe-Syracuse. “Destiny USA shoppers and Syracuse residents, get ready for some jaw-dropping activities that you won’t find in your living room – from hurling axes at animated targets in Kiss My Axe to embarking on intergalactic missions and vanquishing zombie hordes in our adrenaline-pumping Zero Latency VR arena.”

Zero Latency’s new location will also include Kiss My Axe, a fun twist to the ever-popular axe-throwing craze. The state-of-the-art computer system projects animated targets onto physical targets, allowing guests to toss axes at classic bullseyes, and ferocious zombies, or even play a wicked game of tic-tac-toe. Kiss My Axe also offers exhilarating sessions with throwing knives! Book your adventurer in advance at https://zerolatencyvr.com/locations/syracuse or reach out to contact@zerolatencyny.com.

For more information on Zero Latency and Destiny USA, visit destinyusa.com.
