How big is the HAUL-iday shopping at Destiny USA? It’s ginormous. That’s why Destiny USA will be giving away FREE limited edition ginormous HAUL-iday Shopping bags now through the holiday season to any guests who shop two or more stores. Guests simply need to present their multiple bags at one of Destiny USA’s two Guest Services locations to receive their ginormous HAUL-iday shopping bag. While supplies last.
But it gets even better. Destiny USA has partnered with the Food Bank of Central New York to invite guests to fill their ginormous HAUL-iday shopping bags with non-perishable food items, and bring them to Destiny USA’s Canyon area (look for the orange Maguire Automotive truck across from PF Chang’s) December 5 through December 24 to make a food donation and help end hunger in our community this holiday season. Items can be dropped off in the truck bed of the Maguire Automotive truck.
WHEN: Now through the end of the holiday season, or until supplies last.
WHERE: Get your HAUL-iday Shopping bag at Guest Services at Destiny USA (two locations; one underneath carousel and on the third floor of the expansion)